The 'it' I refer to is a metal compilation of swampy, evil Florida goodness called SWAMP ABYSS SORCERY: The Now Sound Ov Florida Heavy. It's available for free download via the Satanik Recordings
Band Camp page.

Florida is known for producing death metal bands (like Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse et al). If this compilation is anything to go by though, a number of doom and death/doom bands are emerging from the Sunshine State. Highlights:
Burn In Pagan Fire by Druid Lord,
Warbeast by Hollow Leg,
Those of Non-Being by Orb Weaver and
Civilised Swamp by Fire In the Cave. Druid Lord (death/doom) blend crushing heaviness with great clean solos. The main riff is an earworm of note. Hollow Leg (doom) introduce themselves with droning guitar notes and tribal-style drumming. I enjoyed the clean-growl duet in the chorus. Orbweaver (death/doom band named after a very poisonous type of spider) manage to sound spider-like in the drum break which combines effects-laden guitar work. I say spider-like because that guitar riff that accompanies the break makes me think of thousands of spiders crawling up a cave wall. The band also slows things down at certain points with jazzy, somewhat trippy interludes. To me, the best song on this compilation is Fire In The Cave's
Civilised Swamp. Death metal and doom metal blend harmoniously with an American Southesque guitar passge and a beautiful, dirge-like clean guitar solo. The fast tempos transition smoothly to slow tempos. The diverse elements in this song don't cause the song to descend into meandering incoherence, which is what makes it such a great song.
SWAMP ABYSS SORCERY is an interesting beast, and definitely worth a listen.
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