October 15, 2010

Another fork in the road

I have  three days left until I'm finished with school.

That's scary. So much change is a-coming. But I can definitely say that I'm glad to be done with school at last. Yet I'll miss school - the people, the routine.

Keeping in contact with friends will be harder now - more effort. But it's an effort well worth making. Friends are treasures.  As we all go swirling off on mostly different paths, it's nice to know that there is still something solid to rest on.

On Tuesday we have our Matric Dinner  with our teachers. People say that the ones who proclaim the loudest that they won't miss school will cry the hardest. Maybe they'll be dry-eyed for the whole thing, who knows. A teacher chosen by the matrics will give a speech that looks back on special moments we shared over the years. Each girl got a sheet asking her to fill in memories from grade 8-12.  I'd love to read all of them...All the different perspectives on shared memories...

And the next day is the Valedictory. I wonder if we'll all be cried out, or release another flood of tears...

Go well, Class of 2010. Go forth and shine.

P.S. I make no apologies for any cheesiness. None whatsoever.   :)

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